Does Anything Happen If I Don’t Replace My Missing Teeth With Tooth Implants In Bourne, MA?

an image of Dr. William Lane.Tooth implants are considered to be a gold standard tooth replacement option for many reasons. With tooth implants, patients will be able to maintain a normal diet, speak properly without their new teeth moving around, and have the confidence to show their smile. There are those, however, who do not replace their missing teeth with […]

Is IV Sedation Necessary When Getting Treatment For Facial Trauma In Plymouth, MA?

an image of Dr. Lane.When people have facial trauma in Plymouth, MA, they will want to get it treated with trusted facial trauma procedures. But how will people be able to have an anxiety-free and comfortable facial trauma procedure? With IV sedation, patients will be able to get the facial trauma treatments they need without being anxiety-ridden or uncomfortable. […]

How Many Dental Implants Are Needed For A Full Mouth Dental Implant Procedure?

dentist implantologist showing dental implant technology on tooth jaw model to patient visit in clinic office.Full mouth dental implants in Plymouth, MA, are an effective and permanent solution to replace a full arch of missing teeth with. The dental implants used in a full mouth dental implant procedure restore the look and function of the patient’s smile. Unlike traditional dentures, full mouth dental implants give patients a stable and comfortable […]

Can Dental Implants Give Me A Permanent New Smile?

3d Image of a full bottom mouth dental implant denture.Traditional dentures can be used to restore missing teeth or damaged teeth. However, over time, they can become loose or ill-fitting. Dental implants in Sandwich, MA, however, give patients a stable and comfortable new smile because they are placed securely in their jawbone. Not only are dental implants super versatile, they can give patients a […]

Are Dental Implants Able To Restore My Smile?

Close-up 3d model of a dental implant.A dental implant in Plymouth, MA is a prosthetic dental device surgically placed into the jawbone to replace a missing tooth. It consists of an artificial tooth root, made of titanium, on which a crown or bridge is attached by a trusted dentist. Dental implants can be used to replace one or more teeth and […]

Are There Any Advantages To Seeing An Oral Surgeon In Plymouth, MA, For My Dental Implant Procedure?

a 3D image of dental implants.When people with one or more missing teeth get treated with gold standard dental implants, then they will want to go to an experienced and caring oral surgeon they can trust. Luckily, a proven and quality oral surgeon in Plymouth, MA, can expertly treat patients with dental implants. There are many more reasons why people […]

With Dental Implants, Can I Have A Biocompatible New Smile?

a dental implant patient smiling during an exam.How can dental implants near you provide a biocompatible new smile? Learn the materials and structure of dental implants & call us to schedule a consultation!

Once I’ve Been Treated With Bone Grafting In Sandwich, MA, Can I Get Treated With Dental Implants?

a bone grafting site that shows a dental implant placed in it and it is surrounded by natural teeth.When people have jawbone loss in areas of their jawbone where they have missing teeth, then their jawbone won’t be able to securely support their dental implants. Luckily, jawbone loss can get reliably treated with bone grafting. After people with jawbone loss have been treated with bone grafting in Sandwich, MA, they can then get […]

What Is The Procedure Process When SmileOn!™ Dental Implants Are Placed By An Oral Surgeon?

a dental patient happily eating his dinner at home because an oral surgeon expertly placed his SmileOn! dental implants.When people want to replace their missing teeth or traditional dentures with SmileOn! dental implants in Bourne, MA, then they will want to go to a skilled, experienced, and knowledgeable dental professional to get their new smile reliably placed. Specifically, an oral surgeon can expertly place SmileOn! dental implants so patients have a reliable and […]

Although Every Person’s Smile Is Unique, What Does A Multiple Dental Implant Procedure Typically Look Like?

A model showing dental implants.When people have multiple missing teeth, their daily activities, quality of life, appearance, and even oral health can be impacted. While every person’s multiple dental implant procedure will be customized to fit their specific smile needs and wants, there are parts of the procedure process that everyone gets to go through. Here is what a […]